Peterhouse Modern and Medieval Languages Webinar 2025
Are you interested in studying languages at university?
Join us for an online webinar to find out about the Modern & Medieval Languages (MML) course at Cambridge, as well as related courses such as History & Modern Languages (HML), and Asian & Middle Eastern Studies (AMES).
The webinar will take place on Tuesday 11th March at 18:30 pm via Zoom and is free to attend.
What will the webinar include?
- An introduction to studying languages, literature and linguistics from Peterhouse Academics including Dr Doyle Calhoun, Professor Sally Faulkner, Professor Mari Jones and Dr Firuza Melville
- A chance to meet current Peterhouse students studying a range of different languages and to hear their experiences
- A Q&A with the panellists
- Information and guidance on how to make a competitive application to these courses at Cambridge
Who can attend?
The event is open to all students who aged 14 and above. We particularly welcome attendees from Year 12 (England and Wales), Year 13 (Norther Ireland), S5 (Scotland) or equivalent. Students currently studying at international schools are also very welcome to attend.
If the webinar is oversubscribed, we will prioritise those participants who
- Have at any time been under the care of a Local Authority.
- Are currently eligible for Free School Meals, or who have been eligible for Free School Meals in the last 6 years.
- Have home postcodes in areas with low local participation in Higher Education (POLAR4 quintiles 1 and 2).
- Have home postcodes in areas of high socio-economic deprivation (IMD quintiles 1 and 2).
- Are from an ethnic background currently under-represented at the University of Cambridge (Black African, Black Caribbean, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Arab, Roma, Gypsy or Traveller)
- Are or have been a refugee or asylum seeker
How to register
To register, please use the sign-up form here.
The deadline for registration is Tuesday 4th March at 17:00 pm. We will send through further information and the joining instructions after this date.
Are you a Modern Languages teacher interested in finding out more about how to help students access language-related courses at Cambridge?
We would be very interested to hear from any Secondary School Languages teachers who would like to find out more about supporting students in making competitive applications to University to study language-related degrees. Please email in the first instance, and we will gauge interest in terms of providing a separate webinar for teachers and support staff.
Any Questions
If you have any further questions about any of the above, please email