The deadline for completion of this form is Friday, 6 September 2024.



*All students are expected to arrive on 5 or 6 October. If you are required to arrive before 5 October for academic or sporting purposes, you must supply proof of this to 

The Peterhouse Student Handbook contains important information about health and safety, fire safety, and security matters for those living in College accommodation? 
The College is required by law to make a return of those who should be included in the Electoral Register, ie UK, Commonwealth, Irish Republic & EU Citizens. It is the responsibility of the individual to register to vote & this can be done at: If you do not register you will be unable to vote. (You can register in more than one place, ie home & College address, but you may only vote in one.
Junior Members are required by law to hold their own valid TV licence for any TV receiver (including any streaming/download of broadcast programmes via laptops or other devices) while in residence. The TV Licensing Authority makes regular checks and Junior Members are personally liable for any fines imposed. To register for an individual licence (or 'declare no licence required') go to:
The Matriculation Dinner is a special event at which new undergraduates are the guests and which you are expected to attend. It will take place on Tuesday 8 October.