North West Conference

Peterhouse is pleased to be partnering with St John's, Pembroke, and Sidney Sussex Colleges, Cambridge, to deliver a range of sessions for students in the North West. These take place twice a year, with an Application Conference place in the Spring for year 12 students, and their teachers and advisors, and Information and Interview Seminars taking place in the Autumn for year 11s, and those who have just started year 13 and are applying to Cambridge.

Year 12 and Teachers/Advisers Conference

  • Monday 18th March 2024; 10:00-15:20
  • Haydock Park Racecourse

Peterhouse, St John's, Pembroke, Downing and Sidney Sussex Colleges visited the North West in March 2024, on behalf of the University of Cambridge, to host an Admissions-themed conference.

The event was free of charge, and included talks from Admissions Tutors and current students covering:

  • How to make a competitive application to Cambridge;
  • Finance and Careers;
  • Interviews;
  • The student experience;
  • Teachers references;
  • Subject overview sessions.

Admissions Tutors and current students were also on hand throughout the day to answer questions from students and teachers.


Timetable of events at conference.