Peterhouse Society Rules
1. Name
The name of the Society is ‘The Peterhouse Society’.
2. Membership
2.1 Ordinary members: any person who has been admitted to Peterhouse is entitled to become an ordinary member of the Peterhouse Society after having completed three terms of residence. A Fellow of the College is so entitled on admission as a Fellow. However, the Society at an Annual General Meeting, on the recommendation of the Committee, may, in exceptional cases, waive the residence requirement, reject a person otherwise entitled to become a member, or withdraw membership.
2.2 Honorary members: the Committee may propose to an Annual General Meeting, for election as an honorary member of the Society, any person connected with the College not qualified for ordinary membership. Honorary membership shall lapse if the person concerned becomes qualified for ordinary membership.
3. Object
3.1 The object of the Society is to promote a close relationship among members of Peterhouse and between them and the College, with a view to encouraging a climate of support for the College and all its members, resident and non-resident.
3.2 In pursuit of this object, the Committee shall assist the Development Office to:
(a) arrange an annual Gathering of the Society;
(b) arrange such other activities and events for members of the Society, or for groups within the whole membership of the Society, as it considers appropriate;
(c) encourage the attendance of Petrean friends and contemporaries at such events.
4. Subscriptions
There is currently no annual subscription
5. Officers
5.1 The officers of the Society are a President (the Master of the College for the time being), one or more Vice-Presidents (who hold office for life), a Chairman, a Secretary (normally the Director of Development ex officio or otherwise another Fellow of the College if possible), and such local Secretaries as the Committee may decide.
5.2 The Chairman (and any local Secretaries) shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office for four years with the possibility of extension by a further four. Nominations to specified offices, with the names of the proposer and seconder and with confirmation by the nominee of his or her willingness to serve, must be sent to the Secretary at least six weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
5.3 The retiring Chairman shall normally not be eligible for re-election for a period of four years after retirement from office. Officers and members of the Committee who are due to retire in a given year shall hold office until the close of the Annual General Meeting of that year.
6. The Committee
6.1 The management of the Society is entrusted to a Committee, consisting of the Chairman, the Secretary, and twelve members of the Society elected at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations to membership of the Committee, with the names of proposer and seconder and with confirmation by the nominee of his or her willingness to serve, must be sent to the Secretary at least six weeks before the Annual General Meeting. Normally, members of the Committee shall be elected for a provisional year followed by a term of 3 years. They can then be elected to serve for further terms of 4 years by a 2/3 majority of the Committee to be ratified by the AGM.
If a member ceases to serve on the Committee for any reason, a successor may be co-opted by the Committee and subsequently proposed for election at the Annual General Meeting for the remainder of the period. The Committee may co-opt additional members of the Society to membership of the Committee.
6.2 The Committee shall meet at least twice in every year. At all meetings of the Committee five shall form a quorum.
7. Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Society may be held virtually on a day determined by the Committee in consultation with the Master or on the day fixed for the annual Gathering. Notice of any business to be brought before the meeting must be sent to the Secretary at least six weeks before the day fixed for the meeting, and the Secretary shall send out notice of the meeting at such time and in such manner as the Committee determines.
8. Extraordinary General Meetings
The Committee may, and upon a written request signed by at least twenty-five
members of the Society stating the object for which it is called, must call an Extraordinary General Meeting. At least fourteen days’ notice of such meeting shall be given, in such manner as the Committee determines, and the object for which it is called must be stated in the notice. No other business is to be taken at such a meeting.
9. Alteration in the Rules
No alteration in the Rules of the Society may be made except at a General Meeting, and by a majority of two-thirds of those present and voting, and any proposed alteration must be stated in the notice calling the meeting.
9th December 1924 (amended 23rd June 1934, 28th June 1952, 1st July 1955, 8th December 1959, 12th December 1961, 19th April 1963, 19th May 1967, 1st July 1978, 28th June 1980, 3rd July 1982, 29th June 1985, 8th July 2000, 7th July 2001 and 23 September 2021).