Peterhouse houses all postgraduate students for their 1-year course or for the first 3 years of PhD courses. Room licences run from 1st October - 1st September each year and will roll on for continuing postgraduates. Students wishing to leave before the end of their licence are able so to do with a month's notice to vacate, organised through the accommodation office. Rents are paid on a monthly basis and are inclusive of bills and insurance. Rents fall roughly into the following bands:
Room in shared accommodation 2022/23:
Band 1: £350/month
Band 2: £398/month
Band 3: £446/month
Band 4: £483/month
Band 5: £520/month
Band 6: £557/month
Band 7: £594/month
Band 8: £631/month
Self-contained accommodation:
Band 9: £727/month - studio flat
Band 10: £833/month - Cosin Court 1 bedroom flat
Band 11: £886/month - 1-bedroom flat
Band 12: £939/month - large 1-bedroom flat
Band 13: £1098/month - 2-bedroom flat
Band 14: £1204/month - large 2-bedroom flat