Sustainability and Environmental Policy

Peterhouse is committed to minimising the impact of its activities on the environment. The key points of our strategy to achieve this are:

  • To source, promote and support local suppliers as much as possible for ingredients and product ranges; such as meat, fish, dairy, eggs and vegetables.
  • To ensure products come from a responsible and sustainable source and minimise the environmental impact for both production and distribution.   
  • Our suppliers are carefully assessed and inspected for best practice and compliance with food safety regulations, and we are proud of the on-going relationship we have with them.
  • Where possible we support the local community and employ the services of local trades.
  • We offer a range of different food and drink options in the Servery to cater for all tastes and which provide healthier alternatives.  We are keen to encourage the reduction in service of ruminant meat (beef / lamb) and encourage the consumption of more plant based foods.
  • We strive to minimise waste by evaluating procedures and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.
  • Our waste from the kitchens (paper / metal cans / plastic / glass) is recycled. Our waste food is collected and composted.  Our waste oil is collected and recycled.
  • We are working to reduce, and where possible remove, the use of single use plastic and other disposables.
  • We aim to discourage the use of single use coffee cups by offering a discount for Students using their own cups.  We provide reusable cups in the Servery, and when disposable coffee cups are used they are biodegradable.
  • We actively encourage waste reduction and recycling amongst our suppliers. Fish and meat deliveries come to us in re-usable boxes, rather than in single use packaging.
  • Our equipment in the kitchen is maintained so as to run as efficiently as possible. When replaced we look to improve on the efficiency of equipment; reducing water / electricity / gas use.