Applications for the 2020 CanBridge Residential have now closed, and the 2021 applications have not yet opened. Please follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with when applications open, as well as other events and opportunities.
The CanBridge Residential is open to applicants in Year 12 in England or Wales, Year 13 in Northern Ireland or S5 in Scotland, who attend a state-funded school or college (non-fee paying) in the UK, and who are predicted to achieve three As at A Level (or equivalent).
If there are more applicants than places, we will use the following criteria for selection:
- If you have ever been in care
- If you have ever received free-school meals
- If you are from an area with low rates of participation in higher education
- If you live in a post-code listed as IMD Quintiles 1 or 2, or OAC 7 or 8
- If you are a young carer
- If you are a refugee
Priority will also be given to applicants who live a significant distance from Cambridge, or in an area with poor public transport connections to Cambridge.
Please ensure that you read the information at the beginning of the application form carefully. This form will also allow you to apply for Residential trips at other colleges, so that even if you don’t receive a place on the Peterhouse CanBridge Residential, you may be offered a place on another trip.
Where will the Residential take place?
Students will stay for two nights in Peterhouse (Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1RD). Most activities will take place at the college, but there will also be visits to departments and punting.
When will the Residential happen?
Participants will arrive in the late afternoon on Tuesday 23rd March, and depart in the afternoon of Thursday 25th March 2021.
What will it cost?
Your accommodation, food and activities will be completely free!
In some cases, such as if you are or have been in care, or are in receipt of free schools meals, we will fund the full cost of your travel by booking and paying for transport for you in advance. Please email to enquire further.
What will you be doing?
The first day will involve settling into your room, getting to know the other participants, a tour of the college, dinner in the college Hall, and a quiz.
On the second day, you will visit the department for a subject that you may be interested in, and take part in some academic sessions. We will also give information and guidance on university life. After dinner in the evening, you will go punting, a traditional Cambridge pastime!
On the final day, you’ll have the chance to ask some real-life Cambridge students about their experience, before thinking about your next steps, having lunch, and heading home.
The 2020 Residential was sadly cancelled due to the COVID-19 college closure. To see what happened on the 2019 Residential, you can read this news item.
Why should you apply?
The Residential will be a great way to explore your options for life after school, including your choice of university, degree course, and career. You will get a taste of what it’s like to be a student, and a chance to explore your subject through academic sessions. It will also be a chance to meet other students who have similar interests to you.
When will you find out if you have a place?
We will give applicants an estimate of when they will receive the outcome of their application when the 2021 Residential applications have opened.