
Postgraduate Fees and Funding

The fees charged by the University and Colleges, as well as an estimate of the minimum sum required to cover living expenses, can be found on the Postgraduate Admissions website. You can also see specific information about the costs of accommodation and meals at Peterhouse.

All postgraduate students, whether funded by State or other educational bodies, or from private resources, are expected to be able to cover the full tuition and maintenance costs associated with their period of study in Cambridge. Each student's place is only confirmed after a financial undertaking has been given to the University's Student Registry confirming that the necessary funds are available for the whole duration of your course.

Peterhouse has some limited funds available for postgraduates needing unexpected financial assistance during their time at the College, with interest-free loans or small grants.

Your Tutor can guide you, on a confidential basis, should you experience any financial problems and can assist you in making applications for financial support from the University and/or College as appropriate.

The guidance above is given on the basis of the information made available to us and the rules as they currently apply. It is given without any undertaking as to its accuracy on the part of the College and applicants should seek confirmation of their fee status from the Postgraduate Admissions Office.

Postgraduate Funding Opportunities

Peterhouse offers a range of competitive postgraduate studentships, but applicants should investigate all funding opportunities offered by the University and individual Departments and Faculties. More information about central University funding can be found here.

Peterhouse Funds

Postgraduate Studentships

Through the generous support of Petrean donors, Peterhouse offers a number of partially or fully funded Postgraduate Studentships. These cover both Tuition and Maintenance costs. They are open to all categories of postgraduate students from any country and to existing students at Peterhouse. Applications for this funding are invited in December/January each year.

Peterhouse Elite Postgraduate Sports Scholarships

Peterhouse offers up to three Elite Postgraduate Sports Scholarships of £3000 each academic year. These scholarships are open only to students who have been offered a place as a postgraduate student at Peterhouse, or are continuing to study there.

The James Morgan Research Studentship

Peterhouse invites applications for a postgraduate doctoral studentship in Christian Theology or in a subject with a strong theological component. Details for the 2024/25 studentship can be found here

Peterhouse Partnership Funds

Jardine Postgraduate Studentships

In addition, the College nominates a small number of students each year who have been accepted by both the University and Peterhouse for fully funded scholarships from the Jardine Foundation. Candidates have to be domiciled in certain countries in the Far East. More information about this scheme may be found here.

Cambridge Trust

This scheme currently provides partial funding for two students at Peterhouse. These awards are specifically for MPhil students of 'Home' fee status intending to proceed to a PhD. They are paid for by the College and the Cambridge UK Masters Scholarships programme that is administered by the Cambridge Trust. Nominations for this funding source are run centrally by the University.

Other financial support at Peterhouse

The College provides a number of other support opportunities open to both Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students or to Postgraduate students alone. These include:

Edward Lipman Fund: financial assistance for Postgraduates and Undergraduates in Classics, English, History, Music, and Politics.

Stemson: help with the cost of representing the University in sport.

Greta Burkill Fund for Postgraduates: grants to postgraduate students for a variety of purposes including language courses, travel to conferences and travel for research.

The College is pleased to announce that, thanks to a charitable donation, it is able to offer support to secondary school teachers of Mathematics wishing to study for a MASt for their professional development. The College anticipates making one such award each year.

Gunn Studentships: awards towards final year of PhD.

Plevy Newman Fund: for medical students towards conferences and the cost of electives.

Muir Wood Award: for postgraduates in Maths, Engineering and Science for attending conferences, an unexpected need for financial assistance, and long vacation residence.