The Chapel

The Chapel sits at the centre of the oldest part of College, and is the building you are most likely to see pictured in connection with Peterhouse. It stands for a living tradition in the College's life - in particular, the 700-year-old tradition of the College as a place of prayer, enquiry, creativity and community. 

A service in the ChapelBeing at university is not just about getting qualifications to equip you to compete in the job market, and university education has never promoted the acquisition of mere facts for their own sake. Universities have been places to learn about how the value of things is to be discerned. They have been places in which wisdom is searched for, and in which people seek to form their lives for good. The Chapel's regular round of services (see the current Termcard), sung or said every day in Full Term, will offer you an opportunity to share in the rich tradition of the Church's worship, and to examine yourself and all that you are learning in your university life in the light of Christian faith and practice. 

It is a place of enquiry, because it is a place where serious thought goes on: reflecting on human experience, the texts of Scripture, and the contemporary world. Time spent as a student at Peterhouse will give you an unparalleled opportunity to hear visiting preachers of extremely high quality each week, ranging from leaders of various Christian denominations, through to prominent political figures and academics working in all fields. 

The Chapel is a place of creativity, too. In a candlelit seventeenth-century building, surrounded by some of Europe's finest stained glass and carving, the Chapel Choir sings evensong twice a week, under the direction of two Organ Scholars and the College's Director of Music. Peterhouse's Choir is a friendly one. You do not have to be of professional standard to join it, but it produces music of very high quality. In addition to this, the Choir enjoys an active (and well-subsidised) social life, and the College provides free singing lessons for its members with professional teachers. Many regular visitors to the Chapel come to hear the music. You can hear recordings of the Choir on our website

Above all, the Chapel is the focus for a lively community. People of all kinds find a place in its life and activity. They come from all denominations and none. Some are committed Christians, others are curious enquirers. All of them are welcome. There are often opportunities to meet over meals: weekly breakfasts, weekly bible studies and termly Chapel Suppers. Once a year we normally go away on retreat. The Chapel's life is run by a team of Chapel Officers (undergraduate and postgraduate) and the Assistant Chaplain, who works closely with the Dean


Members and associate members of Peterhouse are warmly invited to join us for weekday services and Sunday Communion and Evensong services.

Find details of Chapel services
Exploring Christianity

See here for Chapel discussion groups and other opportunities to explore Christianity further.

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Other Faiths

For an introduction to some of the other faith groups in Cambridge, please follow the links on this page. 

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The College Grace

Benedic nos Domine, et dona Tua, quae de Tua largitate sumus sumpturi, et concede, ut illis salubriter nutriti, Tibi debitum obsequium praestare valeamus, per Christum Dominum nostrum, Amen.

Deus est caritas, et qui manet in caritate in Deo manet, et Deus in eo: sit Deus in nobis, et nos maneamus in ipso. Amen.

Bless us, O Lord, and your gifts, which of your bounty we are about to receive, and grant that, fed wholesomely upon them, we may be able to offer due service to you, through Christ our Lord, Amen.

God is love, and he who dwells in love dwells in God, and God in him. May God be in us, and we in him. Amen.